At first glance, the birth of a child makes most fun stuff a little rare, and most of all, travel. But several months (or even a year) pass, the parents recover to a routine, get used to the constant lack of sleep and lack of personal time and begin to timidly dream of at least a trip to the sea.
The main thing that new travel parents need to come to terms with is that a vacation with a small child is as easily planned as a real adult vacation. It is much more complex in terms of organization and emotional impact. It can be stressful but with the right preparation quite pleasant and relaxing.
As we all know, visiting a new place can be tricky and especially if there are long distances between the places you want to visit.
It is difficult to travel alone on the city bus or even by taxi but traveling with children will certainly not make it easier.
Bus schedules aren’t always frequent and finding a taxi can actually be a challenge.
What’s the solution?
In this particular case your best and safest choice is to rent your own car and have the ability to move and explore as many places as you wish.
For most young children, acclimatization goes unnoticed. However, occasionally, children cannot stand high temperatures and especially in a country like Greece, we all know that this can happen pretty often so make sure that your vehicle has proper climate control.
During the trips most children get bored of the route, so many cars provide the possibility of dashboard monitors where they can watch cartoons or anything they want.
Some of them even provide a usb port to watch anything of their preference.
All things aside, traveling with your kids is an experience where you and your children will cherish for the rest of your lives.
So be sure to make it as comfortable and exciting as possible.
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